Stake $AIPUMP and
Get Guaranteed aiPump Nodes
1,000 AIPUMP staked give 100 Node Points per hour. 100,000 Node Points enable 1 Node Fragment Lottery.
You can get 1 to 15 Node Fragments per Lottery. Accumulate 100,000 Node Fragments to mint an aiPump Node.

How AIPUMP Validator Vault Works
AIPUMP introduces a groundbreaking system with guaranteed NFT rewards. Every community member enjoys a fair and distributed opportunity to benefit from the AI Agent economy by staking $AIPUMP for the genesis mint of nodes, associated with the DeFAI product.
Stake $AIPUMP to farm nodes at 0 cost. Nodes are rewarded from protocol fees. Node farming is live now. Unstake any time. Farm AI nodes with your tokens. aiPump is the first platform to offer the token community fee-earning nodes for free.
Stake once, exit anytime, and benefit from all staking opportunities in this one dashboard without the need to ever unstake.
*Withdrawal time is 18days
**Penalty to claim before cooldown period ends is 22%